Guerrilla Marketing on the Internet: How to Attract Customers with Creative Strategies – Fernando Tellado.

Guerrilla marketing is an alternative advertising technique that seeks to attract the public's attention in a creative and unconventional way. In the digital age, this technique has been adapted to the online world, becoming a key tool to attract customers and generate impact online.

In this context, the book “Guerrilla Marketing on the Internet: How to Attract Customers with Creative Strategies” by Fernando Tellado is presented as a practical and useful guide for those seeking to stand out in the digital world. The author, a renowned expert in online marketing, offers a series of strategies and advice to carry out effective and original marketing campaigns, based on innovation, creativity and the ability to surprise the target audience.

Discover the best online advertising strategies and tactics to stand out in the digital market

In the digital world, the Guerrilla Marketing It has become a fundamental tool to attract new customers and differentiate yourself from the competition. It is a creative and effective technique that seeks to impact the target audience with innovative strategies and online advertising tactics.

To stand out in the digital market, it is necessary for companies to use these techniques and adapt to new trends in advertising. One of the keys to success is creativity, since it allows you to attract the attention of users and generate interest in the products or services offered.

One of the guerrilla marketing strategies most used is the use of social networks. Companies can take advantage of these platforms to reach a massive audience and generate interactions with users. Additionally, they can use paid advertising to reach a more specific audience and increase their reach.

Another effective tactic is content marketing, which consists of creating and sharing quality content that provides value to users. This allows companies to position themselves as experts in their area and gain the trust of potential customers.

Finally, it is important to highlight the importance of SEO in any digital marketing strategy. Search engine positioning is essential to generate organic traffic to the company's website and increase its online visibility.

To achieve this, it is necessary to use online advertising strategies and tactics innovative and creative, and adapt to new trends in digital marketing.

Discover the best marketing strategies to promote your products on social networks

Guerrilla Internet Marketing is a technique that uses creative and unconventional strategies to attract the attention of consumers and promote products or services online. In this sense, social networks have become a key platform to carry out this type of strategies.

To begin, it is important to define the objective of the campaign and the audience it is aimed at. Once this is done, various techniques can be used to generate impact and attract the attention of users, such as:

  • Viral content: It's about creating interesting and eye-catching content that is shared massively on social networks. This can be a video, meme, image or any other creative idea that suits the brand and target audience.
  • Influencers: Having the collaboration of influencers on social networks can help reach a broader audience and generate greater interaction with users. It is important to select influencers who are relevant to the brand and who have an audience similar to that of the company.
  • Raffles and contests: Organizing giveaways and contests on social networks is an effective strategy to generate interaction and build loyalty among brand followers. In addition, it can be a way to publicize new products or services.
  • Advertising on social networks: Social media advertising platforms offer a host of options to segment your audience and reach the right users. It is important to design creative and attractive ads to capture users' attention.

Using some of the strategies mentioned above, it is possible to generate impact and attract the attention of users in an original and unconventional way.

10 examples of digital marketing strategies to boost your business

Digital marketing has become an essential tool for any business that wants to be successful in the digital world. Digital marketing strategies are a way to promote your business online and increase your web presence.

In this article, we are going to talk about 10 examples of digital marketing strategies that you can use to boost your business.

1. Content marketing

Content marketing refers to the creation and distribution of relevant and valuable content to attract and retain a target audience. You can create content in the form of blogs, infographics, videos, and more. The goal is to attract customers with quality content and turn them into loyal customers.

2. Search engine positioning (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a strategy to improve the visibility of your website in organic search results. This is achieved through keyword optimization, quality content creation, and link building. SEO is an effective way to increase your website traffic and improve your brand visibility.

3. Online advertising

Online advertising is a way to promote your business online by using ads on websites, social networks, search engines, and more. Online advertising is an effective way to reach a specific audience and increase the visibility of your brand.

4. Email Marketing

Email marketing is a way to promote your business by sending emails to a list of potential customers. You can send promotional emails, newsletters, and more. The goal is to keep your customers informed and engaged with your brand.

5. Social networks

Social media is an effective way to promote your business online and increase the visibility of your brand. You can use social media to share content, interact with your customers, and attract new customers.

6. Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing refers to collaborating with influencers in your industry to promote your brand. Influencers can have a large audience and can help you increase the visibility of your brand.

7. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a way to promote your business by collaborating with other websites. You can offer a commission to websites that help you generate sales or referral traffic.

8. Search engine marketing (SEM)

Search engine marketing (SEM) refers to advertising on search engines such as Google. You can use SEM to show your ads to people searching for specific keywords related to your business.

9. Marketing de retargeting

Retargeting marketing refers to advertising to people who have visited your website in the past. You can use retargeting to re-engage customers who have shown interest in your business in the past.

10. Video Marketing

Video marketing is an effective way to promote your business by creating video content. You can use video marketing to showcase your products or services, share success stories, and more.

The key is to find the strategies that work best for your business and implement them effectively.

The influence of social media on digital marketing: ¿How have the strategies changed?

Guerrilla marketing on the internet has become one of the most effective strategies to attract customers and promote brands in a creative and economical way. However, in recent years, social media has dramatically changed the way businesses approach their digital marketing.

With the arrival of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media platforms, businesses now have the opportunity to connect with their audience in a more direct and personalized way. Social media has provided businesses with a platform to interact with their customers, get feedback, and promote their products and services more effectively.

Companies have had to adapt to these changes and have modified their marketing strategies to make the most of social media. Instead of simply posting promotional content on their social media pages, companies are now focusing on creating interactive content that engages their audience and allows them to participate in the conversation.

Additionally, social media has allowed businesses to reach a broader and more diverse audience. Companies can use online advertising tools to target specific audiences based on age, location, interests, and other demographic factors.

Businesses now have the ability to connect with their audience in a more direct and personalized way, and marketing strategies have adapted to make the most of this opportunity. Guerrilla marketing on the internet remains an effective strategy for attracting customers, but companies must incorporate social media into their strategies to remain competitive in an increasingly digital market.

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In short, guerrilla marketing on the internet is a unique opportunity for companies seeking to stand out in a saturated and highly competitive market. Creativity and originality are key to attracting the attention of consumers online, and Fernando Tellado shows us in his book how to do it effectively. By implementing guerrilla internet marketing strategies, companies can attract the attention of their target audience in a fun, exciting and memorable way. If you're looking for new ways to grow your online business, this book offers you a complete guide to creating effective guerrilla marketing campaigns. ¡Don't hesitate to put these creative strategies into practice and surprise your clients!